The burning and discomfort of one acid reflux occurrence is unpleasant enough, but when it becomes an entrenched pattern, you might start to get anxious before every meal. If …
If you think you might have sleep apnea, Dr. Terry Baker in Idaho Falls is an expert in diagnosing and treating the condition. For now, though, let’s take a …
That tiny butterfly-shaped thyroid gland at the front of your neck and the four pea-sized parathyroid glands beside it shoulder big responsibilities for your physical and mental health. More …
If your child is slated for ear tube surgery, then you may have a couple questions. Ear tube surgery is a solution for issues related to the ear, whether …
Do you wake up from a full night’s rest feeling like you haven’t slept at all? Has anyone ever told you that you snore? If so, you could have …
While springtime in Idaho (and many other places) is abundantly beautiful, your itchy eyes and scratchy throat beg to differ. Along with nature’s emerging beauty often comes severe allergic …
If genetics, age, and a few unhealthy eating habits are making their presence known as an extra layer of fat under your chin, you’re not alone. Double chins are …